Sponsors sign up to support new Scottish scale-ups event

Invest2Scale has announced some of the key sponsors which will be supporting next month’s inaugural event where revenue-generating, scalable Scottish companies will be showcased.

Invest2Scale takes place on 2 November at Edinburgh’s Dovecot Studios, and will involve up to a dozen Scottish businesses which are ripe for high-level growth. The event will feature networking sessions, industry discussions and other scale-up focused activities, bringing the companies together with an audience of senior figures from the UK and global investment community.

The list of sponsors includes MarktoMarket, British Business Bank, The Scottish National Investment Bank, Cazenove Capital, and Tayburn. As well as providing financial backing and other forms of in-kind support, Invest2Scale sponsors also bring additional value to the growth companies attending the event.

MarktoMarket's best-in-class data platform allows busy VC firms to source, analyse and connect with attractive investment opportunities. British Business Bank, the UK’s economic development bank, offers free financial tools and expert information to support companies, and The Scottish National Investment Bank acts as a catalyst for attracting company growth investment, particularly for scale-up businesses with a proven concept. Meanwhile Cazenove Capital looks after the interests of entrepreneurs, professionals, families and charities from across the globe, and Tayburn supports the development of strong brands to help businesses sell more products and services.

The Invest2Scale event has been conceived by a group of leading corporate players: law firm MBM Commercial, accountants Chiene + Tait, recruitment specialists Eden Scott, and LINC Scotland. A roster of high calibre speakers who will be featured at the event will be announced later this month.

Doug Lawson, CEO at MarktoMarket, said: "MarktoMarket is delighted to be involved in an event that puts the spotlight on the plethora of dynamic companies that are scaling in Scotland."

Susan Nightingale, Devolved Nations Director, UK Network at the British Business Bank said: “Access to the right kind of external finance can be transformational for ambitious smaller businesses looking to scale up. The British Business Bank has a range of initiatives in place to support entrepreneurs and business owners, including our Regional Angels Programme, and we are committed to supporting Scottish firms to develop and grow. This event will be a valuable opportunity for smaller businesses to meet a range of potential investors looking to invest in the Scottish economy.”

Sarah Roughead, Interim Chief Executive Officer at The Scottish National Investment Bank said; ‘Increasing the number of successful scale-up businesses in Scotland, growing the size and productivity of their business operations, and raising their ambition has the potential to transform the economy.  I am delighted that the Bank is supporting this event, helping ambitious businesses reach their high-growth potential’.

Bob Hair, Regional Head Scotland at Cazenove Capital, said: “The eco-system which supports entrepreneurs in Scotland is impressive but access to capital remains the single most limiting factor for growth companies. Together with the Founders of Invest2Scale, we recognise the simple fact that showcasing scaling businesses which are preparing for Series A investment to potential investors through this conference is both necessary and beneficial.”

Richard Simpson, Joint Managing Director at Tayburn, said: “The importance of 'scale up' businesses to the Scottish economy has been well documented in recent years, so Tayburn is excited to support our friends at Invest2Scale with this new event.”


All eyes on Glasgow


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