Ten reasons to attend


  1. Innovative! In terms of innovative firms as a share of total firms, Scotland is ranked in 18th place amongst OECD and partner economies – putting it ahead of countries like the USA and China.

  2. Green! Scotland is already close to generating 100% of its electricity consumption from renewables.

  3. Attractive! Scotland remains the leading UK location outside of London for global investment for the sixth time in the past seven years according to the EY Attractiveness Survey.

  4. Inquisitive! Edinburgh and Glasgow were also the leading UK research cities after London.

  5. Desirable! Time Out ranks Edinburgh the best city in the world

  6. Educated! Scotland boasts four universities founded before the end of the 16th century – the University of St Andrews, the University of Glasgow, the University of Aberdeen and the University of Edinburgh – are collectively known as the ancient universities of Scotland, with three ranking among the 200 best universities in the world in the THE rankings

  7. Friendly! Rough Guides readers regularly vote Scotland as one of the world's most welcoming countries.

  8. Tech-focused! Scotland has been one of the leading centres of UK tech which has grown tenfold in 10 years. In 2021, Scotland was given formal accreditation by the European Secretariat for Cluster Analysis as the UK’s first fintech cluster of excellence.

  9. Pioneering! Researchers in Scotland's universities are responsible for many major discoveries and innovations, from the MRI scanner to the development of keyhole surgery, from Dolly the sheep to the theory that first posited the existence of the Higgs-Boson particle.

  10. VC Ready! Scottish start-ups last year attracted £345m in venture capital investment in 2020, despite the pandemic.

What are you waiting for! Register your interest today.


New Invest2scale event connects Scottish scale-ups with global investor community